Friday, June 8, 2012

     Okay, sitting here pondering over an article on "How To Be A Better Blogger".  The first suggestion the writer found helpful was to blog at the same time every day.  Really?  He even suggested setting a timer.  Seriously?  Look pal, I am retired.  Fought the control of clocks and calendars all through my corporate life.  No way am I going to set a timer!

     Second suggestion, write about yourself, what you do during the day, where you go.  Understandably I can see this as giving the reader a little insight into my life.  Having said that, do they really want to know about my exploits at the supermarket or gas station?  Although as a Jersey Girl it still goes against my grain to have to pump my own gas!  I mean, what is with that anyway?  At least they should knock off 10 to 20 cents a gallon since they don't have to pay an attendant. 

    The third is about the only suggestion I have be faithfully following so far.  Post  your creations, your wares, your talent, whatever the latest tag is for what you do.  As you can see below, I have recently posted my "Dragon Vase" during the making process and two views of it finished.  Thought about another shot of flowers in the vase but decided that just might be overkill.

     Now for the real reason I stopped back in today.  Below is a shot of my current work in progress.  More shots to follow as this little creature comes to life.


  1. Hmmm... how to become a better blogger? All blogs are different and don't follow set guide lines. As for same time every day with a timer, that's so stupid.... but I love your blog, I even subscribed by email. Yours will grow, just be patient!

  2. Thanks for the compliment and for joining me in my hit or miss blog. There is no way, after working by the clock all my life that now, being retired, that I am going to worry about blogging at a certain time each day. LOL
