Thursday, May 31, 2012

    Wow!  What a beautiful day!  Have to get out and about. Wondering if I will have the willpower to avoid the ice cream section of the super market?  Thinking I need to take my blinders with me and head straight for the salad bar. 

    Next stop, the library. A method to my routine. Figure if I save the library to second or last on my list I will avoid the ice cream since it would melt in the car.  Makes sense to me! :)    Anyway, I need to find two or three interesting books. You know the ones that draw you right in. The ones you lose yourself in and can't put down.  I like murder mysteries or psychological thrillers.  Any suggestions?
Just finished "The Litigators" by John Grisham.  It was okay, but nothing to really write home about.  I would however recommend "Quicksilver" by Amanda Quick for something different although once again I needed more sub plots. 

    As promised or at least hinted at, here is a preview of my Halloween collection. I will post these in my Etsy shop in a month or two, but I did put up a pair of  Zombies today!   Love these!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

  Can not believe where this day went.  Baked up some new earrings.  Wait till you see my Halloween line!  Love them!!!  Will post a preview in the next day or so.

    Been tooling around several sites.  Got totally lost in all the awesome artwork on "Pinterest".  Does that happen to you?   Started out looking for paper art and seg-wayed into so many other categories.  Thinking I have a love/hate relationship with that sight.  :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

     Middle of the day and here I sit.  Wishing I could be at the Jersey Shore.  Digging my toes in the sand, getting hit with the waves, walking on the boardwalk and best of all eating a hot ice cream waffle.  If I close my eyes, I can smell it.  Nothing better than the salt air and smell of hot waffles!

     Guess I could go over to the pool.  Do a few laps, but would have to make a mad dash back to the AC.  It is in the 90's here for the second day with not a hint of a breeze. No, not a  pretty sight me running in a dripping wet bathing suit and flip flops.  Better not.

     Can't think of summer, have to think fall and winter.  Crisp golden leaves under foot, making snow angels.  Yeah! Much better.   But first have to finish up my Halloween earrings.  Here is a taste of what is to come. 

Got a little rushed the other day and totally forgot to post a pic.  This is one of four Patriotic pairs I have ready for anyone who wants to celebrate the "4th" with a little originality.

Friday, May 25, 2012

    What is everyone up  to?  I know, I KNOW!  Too busy creating to chat!  Take a break, make a cup of java and go see what I have been up to!

I just finished several  "4th of July" earrings.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

    I had a conversation with my daughter this  morning about meditation and calming your mind.  Sitting here laughing to myself.  If anyone could see what is going on in my mind. They would say, calming my mind would be an  epic event. 
    You see I have been thinking about new designs for my earings.  Every creative person knows we can't always control our thoughts or the direction they take.  I spied with my little eyes a pair of the most adorable mummy earrings made by another shop owner.  Zoom, my mind became full of mummies, witches, bats and black cats.  Instantly in Halloween mode.  Now mind you just last night I was designing Fourth of July earrings.  While part of my mind kept wondering if the wings have dried for my dragonflies. 

   A neatly labeled list or rather small stack of index cards now appear on my work top after chatting with my BFF.  Remember her?  She is responsible for the pineapple idea!  Love throwing ideas her way because she has a very unique way of thinking outside the box. 

   Coffee has been drained from my cup.  Perhaps not a good idea for what I am about to embark on.
Ta ta for now. Off to check out calming my mind.    Ommmmmmmmm

Monday, May 21, 2012

     Happy Monday Everyone!   I am happy to announce another sale.  Thanks again goes to my BFF for suggesting I make pineapples!!!  :)

     I also created a new "Treasury" on my Etsy site.  These are a lot of fun to make.  You simply pick a subject, color, team, etc. and browse through their items.  If you like something and it fits the category of your new  treasury, you write down the item #.  When you get 16 of them you go create the treasury. 
      Getting into the habit of Pinning each item I select and then in the description section of the treasury, I make mention of the Pins and ask (very nicely) if they would be so kind as to Pin an item from my shop.  I hope this helps us all. I know it can NOT hurt.

     Let me know how you promote.

Creative Rains: Welcome to my new blog for Creative Rains

Creative Rains: Welcome to my new blog for Creative Rains: Hello all! Welcome to the new blog for Creative Rains . Creative Rains is my etsy shop. In my shop you can find handmade jewelry, knit/croc...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

   Good Morning, oh wait, it is afternoon already! 

   Truly pleased on how well my little pair of mask earrings have been accepted.  Lots of hits on Etsy and a few Favs.  

   What are your favorite things to create?  Let me know.  Perhaps if we chit chat back and forth it will stimulate all our creativity.

   I love working with clay, but it can be frustrating at times.  I get an idea in my head and set out to make something only sometimes it turns out totally different than when I started.  Then there are those rare occasions that it turns out darn near perfect.  I remember when I was learning how to sculpt heads and faces.  My first few came out looking not like a delicate faeries but more like cavemen.  Undaunted, I  mushed them up and started all over again.  Kudos to YouTube tutorials. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

As promised and just finished this morning.  Then of course pictures had to be taken and recropped, etc., etc.  Without further ado, my newest OOAK original sculpted and signed pair of earrings!

  Good Morning all.  Beautiful day here except for the landscapers weed whacking.  It is one of those  spring days that lift your heart.  Birds singing, the sound of a bi-plane flying over and my little pansies looking so friendly and bright this morning.  Yes a rather lazy morning, but I have a tray of earrings in the oven.  One pair is really going to be unique.  Think Renaissance!   Need more coffee.......

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Great for the Summer
      As I have mentioned below, I make earrings.  Sculpt most of them in polymere clay.  Hopefully I will be able to attach an example when I am done this post.  Still working on a learning curve here folks, so bare with me. 

     Happy to say, I have made several sales.  Woohoo!!!  Sure does feel good to this new "Etsy" shop owner.  My goal is to not just sell my earrings but to establish a rapport with my buyers.  I know what I like. But come on now, trying to figure out what the millions of people on the Internet  like, now that is a challenge. 

     This is where family, friends and all the new people I am meeting online come in.  HELP!  I need to know what catches your eye?  What style, color, textures you would buy?  Think EARRINGS now!  What would you like hanging from your lobes?  I want  your suggestions, comments, questions.  A couple of weeks ago my BFF suggested I make a pair of pineapples.  Being up for the challenge, I made one pair rather on the subdued side and one glitzy pair as a sort of test market.  Guess what,  the subdued pair were the first to sell.  Thanks for the suggestion Gail!

    So let me hear from you!   Be daring, go for something different.  Who want vanilla all the time!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

                           Let me introduce myself.  My name is Marguerite Wickliffe, Marge for short.  Okay, okay, no verticaly challanged jokes please.  Yes, I am "The Old Broad" and a very creative one. Only truly happy when I have one or more projects going.  Time to get down to business, the real reason I started this blog.

                                           To Promote My Creativity  

                            I am a self taught sculptor in clay, leather and mixed media.  Right before the holidays last year I was running low on clay and realized I would have to downsize my pieces until I bought more.  About that time, my daughter asked me to make her a pair of earrings and found I enjoyed making them.  Before I  knew it my work area was covered with earrings.  Now I am thinking what do I do with all of them?  Sell them of course.  Sell them so I may buy more clay. See the thing is, each pair I make is a one of a kind original design.  And I have all these design ideas running through my head.  Need more clay!

                          Come and brouse through my shops. "Softmyst" is for my unique and stylish earrings.  You might just find some fun items mixed in.   "Softmystsculpture" is for all my fantasy items.  Come wander through my fantasy forrest, mingle with Trolls, dance with the Faes and Faeries and swim with my Mermaids. 


Thursday, May 10, 2012

     Heavy sigh, sitting here all choked up after reading a heart warming post on my BFF's blog.  Her name is Gail and a better friend you could not ask for.   I miss our shopping trips, chats and laughter over lunch and great Margueritas.  Miss the craft shows and garage sales.  Let it be know this woman haunts me come Autumn, for this is her time of the year. She is a strong, beautiful, talented woman in so many ways.  You would think a friend like this could find me a hunky single Sugar Grand-Daddy but nooooooooooo.

     Leaving behind family and friends and especially one special friend has been difficult.  Thank heaven for cell phones and facebook and blogs like this.

Hugs and kisses Lady, you are truly one of a kind.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

   Who would have thought I would be writing a blog?  Not me!  Continuing my ongoing quest to find my creative niche, I found it important to network.  So the idea was formed. 

   Time passes, as the ugly monster it is, and I opened up my first shop in "Etsy".  I am determined to sell the sculpted earrings I find now covering both my work station and dining room table.  Blatant self promo here.

   Diving head first into the creative online world is mind blowing.  So many avenues to explore, so much to learn.  Wishing I had taken marketing classes or at least have a friend who did so I could pick their brain.  Hours turn into day as I read everything on each layer peeled back on the onion called "Etsy".   All the while the idea grows into realization.  Yes, Marge, you NEED a BLOG!